Silver lining #12543 for remaining outstanding orders? NEW TY CARDS AND FREEBIES!

Silver lining #12543 for remaining outstanding orders? NEW TY CARDS AND FREEBIES!

Hi Lovelees! 

During my lunch at work I use it to still be productive for the studio! I've created all new Thank you cards and information cards! I hope you love them as much as I do! I'm always thinking about how to make the package opening experience better (aside from the obvious which is getting orders on time *sweats*) and always thinking about waste, to which I came up with the idea of making the TY cards a print, and my contact card a Marvel photo card! Ive designed 4 different thank-you cards, Loki, Wanda, Captain and Black Widow along with I've created ALL corset character photocards! Of course you'll also get a matching little movie quote sticker as well! So in your order, you'll most likely get someone similar to your corsets! Don't worry about me using yall's shipping costs on these as they were a purchased gift from a friend. *cries* 

This will be the first blog of many as I am near completion! I've made hundreds of corsets over the past few months and now I am about to package! I've even asked some friends over to come and help me this Friday! I'll make a post about that in a few moments though! 

Well until next time lovelees! 
