In the Studio: I think we need to have a party!

Hi Lovelees!
I've been working really hard on finalizing my timeline, especially since I now know what my average income is, the days I'm available and what I have left!
Here are the official goals!
9/13: Under-bust corsets completion and the shipping out of all orders! (including internationals of course)
9/20: Bodice corsets completion
9/25: Announce on all platforms that all orders are completed and make sure everyone has received their order &/or begin search for actual missing orders. Use the week to do this..
9/30: Huge shop announcement!
10/1: Livestream party! Come celebrate with me the fact that all orders are finished! I also will be celebrating MILESTONES we never got to celebrate together because I was too busy! I'll be giving away alot of gifts to celebrate! Don't we need to know who my 100th order was?! and then my 1000th?! I have many "awards" to give out as well!
Alrighty lovelees, wish me luck!
A huge thank-you again for EVERYTHING.
I adore ya'll forever!
Until next time!