End of the day..

Hi Lovelees!
I've been re-inspired to try to post more often until it's a habit, so here's an "end of the night" lights off studio post!
I managed to get 16 orders, a total of 23 corsets done and packed today! I skipped dinner so I am about to go do that nowwww lol
These orders get left at the door as I leave for work in the morning to which my partner then takes them to the post for me. Team work!
I have 11 corsets at my sewing machine ready to be closed up, so that's what I'll be doing tomorrow! I also have all remaining Winter soldiers cut and ready for me to sew them together, so hopefully I'll get to those tomorrow as well.
I've been loving how orders have been looking with the new thank you card concepts and photo cards. I even added in confetti stars, not too much though, don't worry!
I'll be going through blog comments tomorrow! I just remembered that I have to look at them! There's only 4, but I'm excited! lol
I hope you all are having a wonderful year! I promise to make it up to you all in the future!
P.s. If you are wondering how I am still working on orders, My shop has been going through a massive delay. All time based now which is low-key very nice. With each passing month in the past that I had announcement, they then got compiled with other months and thus new timelines kept happening. I'll be making a more in-depth video about it for any of you who are interested in the fine details! Currently, I've not taken any corset orders since march and I've also since then gotten a new job within the costume world again to sustain my shop so that I did not need to dig myself a deeper hole after my main crisis....International shipping! Anyywayyssss a huge THANK YOU again for visiting the studio and for your support!
I'll always be indebted to you all.
All the love,