
TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE CORSETS LEFT TO MAKE. Give or take! Out of over 2000 corsets that were/have been delayed, this is officially how many are left. If you find yourself wondering "that's not a number you've said before", well no, because this is officially ALL orders, swaps, resizes and more. This does not include the many corsets I have made that are awaiting final corsets and/or at my packing station. This also does NOT include orders that may be missing, those will have to be handled as soon as possible come October, along with possible bodices. I'll likely be reaching out to all bodice orders that I don't get to, to see if you would still like it, or to cancel since I've passed a deadline....again....
I've decided that should I feel like I wont make it on ANY orders, I'll reach out to you individually to ask the same question. Otherwise, it's crunch time baby!
You see those bins?! That's what the remaining Winter Soldier and Captain Americas look like. I apologize for not posting more BTS pictures, like I said, I have a huge vlog coming!
It's still just time that I need/needed. I'm honestly exhausted, but it's the good kind. I do not take any of this for granted, and I know that my delays are my own mistakes. I, for the millionth time, appreciate all of you for your continued patience and kindness. I know its just corsets, but still, if I could give you all a gift card, a drink and a corset, I would lol
A note on individual updates: I am and will forever be sorry that I wasn't able to give most of you individual updates. My emails stay flooded with pattern requests, order updates, collabs, shop questions and more. I've been working out of my sent emails because of how I send questions to those I need answers from. I'm not avoiding any of you and sometimes we do get lucky and catch each other. Even currently, with a little over 200 of you still awaiting your order, I imagine it would take me a few days to even attempt to email you all and wait for a response when I'm currently waiting for 76 responses, and its also been months on many of them but its all alright, I'm patient too! haha I had my order update system but now that all remaining orders are combined, it became way too complicated. I just learned a SKU trick a couple of weeks ago so that will become handy in the future with quantities!
Well other than those thoughts, I'll be closing the studio soon to get some sleep! But lastly might I just add again how thankful I am for all of yall?! SO THANKFUL! With marvel coming in hot with "Agatha all along" and "Thunderbolts", Im itchingggg to createeeeee, but I wont! Not yet! You deserve the world lovelee!
Until next time!