To my "Continue On" and "Cancelation" Lovelees.....

Hi Lovelees!
Since I've been posting on social media, my emails have grew to over 100! This usually happens, and it makes sense! The only thing is that I again think I mis-spoke, I'm always looking for missing orders, not necessarily those of you incredible people who opted for me to "Continue On". (insert "ah I'm sorry" emoji)
I'm emailing everyday different individuals who are in the "continue on" bundle and with my system being confirmation after confirmation after confirmation, this slew of emails kind of has my brain in a tizzy!
If you've emailed me and are a "continue on" individual, please review the email you received about timing and updates for more information and please don't forget, you can cancel at any time if you do not want to wait any longer. I am in constant rotation of orders and constantly adding in new people who I've finally gotten responses from as well. The line is moving along slow and steady!
I'm trying to keep an eye out for missing orders, but it will still take a moment for me to sort out my current inbox. If you are a "Continue on" but have not heard from me, it is simply not your turn quite yet.
Just as the line for continued orders exists, the line for order cancelations exist as well, so please allow me time to also find and sort out any cancelation emails I may receive that are hidden in the masses as well. Everything will be sorted as it's sorted with sewing as first priority!
I still have alot to do, with little time to do it.
Again, thank you for EVERYTHING lovelees!
- I've taken the next 2 days off to push really hard on orders! I could spend HOURS/DAYS sending out updates saying "what spot you are in line" or I can sew and move you up the list sooner and/or even have completed your order, so please bare with me that I think its better to get orders out. When I'm working on your order, your updates will come. Remember, you will receive around 4 updates as your order is being completed. These updates require confirmations as well, so please keep an eye out!
<333 Liana