New Patreon has been launched! I now have TWO tiers ready to go! Post have been drafted, content has been planned, so lets have a great march!
I am STILL back logged on emails that come in randomly for updates and I am so sorry about that. With my emailing system, I have anywhere from 20-40 active orders at my sewing table to finish up and that can take weeks. Whilst having those, I have another 20+ emails ready to be next on my table, along with 30+ ready to be shipped, so it's just a-lot of organizing that takes the most time.
There are many of you who have not yet responded to the size request emails so please check your inboxes or your spam! I've been making mini sets in similar sizes so that movement can be first, but I still need confirmations!
I'm so close to being out of TRIPLE DIGITS yall! Lets gooo!
I've skipped my blogs because I had a few orders that were 13+ corsets that I really wanted to punch out the last few "weekends" but I'll be back to posting every Thursday!
All in all, I'm tired, confused and sleepy BUT still loving every second of it!
Back to my patreon, I am doing that so that I can have a clean hub for ALL things LLPM! I have said many times, but I have alot of content I really want to get out and I also have NEW content that I think should be somewhat separated, so patreon is where most of my in depth thoughts will be! I'll post more often there, than here!
NEW STICKER CLUB IS COMING! It is callllllledddddddd..... "OddLee Made"! It's a monthly sticker club inspired by the cutie, creepy, odd vibes that I love to draw. I've been drawing at lunch at my day job so no time is wasted! I have many designs ready and I cant wait to show you! Think marvel meets Coraline meets sewing + rag dolls and you have "OddLee Made". More details will drop on patreon and my new instagram on the 14th! @OddLeeMade
JOANNS IS CLOSING?!?!?!?!? Yes, I am gagged. Yes I have ALOT of fabric and I am a little nervous about running out, but don't worry, if I feel like I am close to running out, I will 100% contact you.
THUNDERBOLTS: I've gotten many requests asking if orders will be completed by the premier and all I can say is, THEY BETTER BE. I'm ready to move on too! I have some time off coming up that I plan to get another huge batch made!
MISSING ORDERS: I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU GET SORTED. I catch one here and there but once all is settled and all of my "continue on" orders are finished, I can clear my emails and run hard searches.
REFUNDS: Slowly but surely refunds are continuing to roll out! Please bear with me as I use a portion of funds to refund 1 individual at a time. Should you decide you would like to cancel your refund and swap for a LLPM gift card, that can be arranged very easily. Of course I'll be coming back and will have MANY products for you! <3
All in all, things are moving along! I still cant believe how patient yall have been with me. I adore each and every single one of you!