Emails are going strong!

Hi Lovelees!
I just wanted to make a quick post about the fact that I have not begun to respond to all of yall just yet! I am still organizing incoming emails between continue-ons and cancels, once I feel like I have majority, which looks like it'll be this weekend, I'll muster up the plans and get you all involved! It's looking like I still have a little journey, but again a huge THANK YOU to those of you who are allowing me to continue-on. Don't even get me started on the stuff you all are saying, I've been emotional reading the motivation you have been sending me the past 5 days.
I'm also seeing incomings from those who may be missing! YAY! I've not been able to provide ANY quality service on that end since I've been back to back to back since I first opened. It's my own fault, I know that, and I promise you I am always trying to make things right.
Anywhoooos, I'll be reaching out to you all soon!!!
All the love,